A Day in the Life of Toxic Exposure

A Day in the Life of Toxic Exposure

Whether you suffer from vague and generalized conditions like chronic pain, chronic fatigue and depression or are battling a life-threatening illness like cancer, diabetes or autoimmune disease, if you doubt that your doctor can help you at all, you’re not alone. 
Natural Remedies for GERD Reading A Day in the Life of Toxic Exposure 27 minutes Next Top 10 Adaptogens for Stress Relief

Are you, like more and more people, finding that your doctor just can’t help you get better?

Whether you suffer from vague and generalized conditions like chronic pain, chronic fatigue and depression or are battling a life-threatening illness like cancer, diabetes or autoimmune disease, if you doubt that your doctor can help you at all, you’re not alone.

That’s because conventional medicine seeks to hide symptoms, but neglects to treat the root cause of disease, leaving patients in a chronic, hopeless state of pain and suffering.

Did you know that one of the most pervasive and seldom-treated contributors to both chronic and acute conditions is TOXICITY!?

Every day, all day, you consume countless toxic poisons that take a toll on your health: fueling chronic inflammation, crippling your immune response, making you gain weight and increasing your likelihood of developing a deadly disease.

What’s that?

You’re not convinced that you are slowly and surely being poisoned?

Seeing is believing, so they say. So, how about I tag along with you, just for a day, and show you some of the many and unsuspected threats that are making you sick?

Very well, then, it’s settled. We’ll get started first thing in the morning…

“5 more minutes,” you think, as the alarm goes off, feeling like you just haven’t gotten enough rest. You drag yourself out of bed and reach for a glass of water. The bathroom fills with steam as you prepare a nice, hot shower. The smell of your favorite shampoo lifts your mood as you work your hair into a rich lather. Brushing your teeth, you take one last look in the mirror, thinking that you still look tired, but there’s nothing to be done about that now. At least you’re feeling better, you tell yourself, as you swallow an antibiotic you’ve been taking for an upper respiratory infection. A fresh-smelling shirt, still warm from the dryer, completes your look. Finally, fueling yourself for the day ahead with a multigrain bagel and a glass of juice, you step out the door and head to work.


In the short time that it’s taken you to prepare for your day, you’ve already taken in a frightening load of toxic compounds.

Let’s start with that glass of water. If it came from the tap, you’re also taking in…

  • Chlorine

Chlorine wipes out beneficial bacteria in our guts, fuels acidity and inflammation and binds with microscopic particulate in the water to create a cancer-causing compound.

  • Fluoride

Fluoride is a neurotoxin that is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, hip fractures and bone cancer.

  • Aluminum

Aluminum anode rods are placed in hot water heaters to extend the life of the product. Aluminum ions in the water are linked to anxiety, headaches and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Lead

Lead leaches from pipes and is especially dangerous for children. It contributes to learning and behavioral disorders and is associated with an increase in aggressive, antisocial and criminal behavior.

  • Copper

Even low doses of copper cause fatigue, irritability and headaches. Increased exposure results in damage to the liver and kidneys.

  • Genetic testing

As we know, genetics are not the only factor in our health, but they’re still an important one! Tes ts can reveal genetic mutations that make us more susceptible to particular nutrient imbalances, drug interactions and health problems. By knowing what’s in our DNA, we can modify our environment, diet and lifestyles to balance our inherited risk factors.

Perhaps, you opted for a bottle of water. Unfortunately, the “purified’ water you see on most shelves at the store is nothing more than glorified tap. It could be from a natural source, a spring or well, in which case it may be contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, nitrates, algae blooms or bacteria.

To make matters worse, dangerous chemicals can leach from the plastic bottle into the water. Single-use plastic bottles contain what is known as non-intentionally added substances (NIAS). Up to 80 contaminants could be present in that water, including:

  • Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a preservative that causes irritation to the lungs, throat and eyes. According to the EPA, prolonged exposure causes cancer.

  • Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde causes similar irritation to the eyes and respiratory tissues after brief exposure. Chronic exposure mimics alcoholism and causes significant damage to the liver.

  • Antimony

Antimony is a toxic heavy metal that lowers blood sugar and increases cholesterol. It is associated with serious respiratory impairment, including inflammation of the lungs, chronic bronchitis, chronic emphysema and even tumours in the lungs.

As you step into that steamy shower, you’re getting an even bigger dose of all of the toxins in your local water supply, especially chlorine which evaporates with the steam. Inhalation is the most dangerous form of exposure to chlorine because it reacts with the water droplets to form a corrosive acid that irritates and damages the eyes and respiratory tissue.

What about those scrumptious soaps, shampoos, conditioners, body washes, shaving creams and deodorants that reliably transform us from groggy and dishevelled bed monsters into neat and attractive professionals ready to take on the day?

They’re dangerously problematic! Some of the worst compounds you can be sure that you’re consuming include:

  • Parabens

Commonly found in deodorants, shampoos, lotions, sunscreens, makeup and other cosmetics, parabens mimic estrogen in the body and contribute to breast tumors and reproductive cancers.

  • Phthalates

Phthalates in shampoos are linked to birth defects, testicular atrophy, and liver cancer.

  • Methylisothiazolinone

Also found in shampoos, methylisothiazolinone damages the brain and nervous system.

  • Toluene

Toluene is a neurotoxicant and has been linked to anemia, kidney damage, impaired immune function and blood cancers. It is commonly found in the synthetic fragrances used to make personal care products.

  • Triclosan

Triclosan in toothpaste, deodorant, and body wash has been linked to heart disease and heart failure. It’s also an endocrine disruptor that contributes to weight gain, infertility and reproductive cancers.

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (and closely related Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate)

These chemicals that make products foamier, like hand soaps, toothpastes, shampoos and cleansers, lead to organ toxicity, endocrine disruption, and cancer.

  • Aluminum

Aluminum is commonly used in deodorants, which are especially risky products because they are applied directly over our lymph nodes, and often just after shaving, when small cuts can make it even easier for the dangerous ingredients to penetrate our skin.

  • Fragrance

That sweet smell you were indulging in as you worked your hair into a lather? Sadly, the synthetic fragrances that are used in commercial products contain any combination of over 3,000 chemicals, many of which are known to be toxic. The most commonly used ingredients include acetaldehyde, which impairs the kidneys, brain, lungs and sex organs, and benzophenene, which is linked to endocrine disruption and organ toxicity and is believed to promote the growth of tumors. Many synthetic fragrances are derived from benzene, a petroleum byproduct known to cause cancer, especially in children.

If your morning routine includes a makeup application, your risk is even greater. You’ll be consuming yet more parabens, phthalates and lead, plus:

  • Formaldehyde

Ingredients that release formaldehyde, known to cause cancer, are added to cosmetics as preservatives.

  • PEGs

Derived from petroleum and used to thicken and soften creamy products, PEGs cause cancer, damage the nervous system and impair development.


Common preservatives found in cosmetics that induce skin allergies, encourage the spread of tumors and are linked to organ and reproductive toxicity.

  • Octinoxate

An endocrine disruptor that contributes to thyroid dysfunction, commonly found in foundations.

If you’re not familiar with the impact of antibiotics on your health, you may want to sit down…you see, that medicine that your trusted doctor prescribed to help you get better?

It’s making you very sick.

According to the CDC, 1 in 3 antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary and as such pose an utterly unwarranted risk to not only the health of the unlucky individual with a careless M.D., but to the entire population at large, as overuse of antibiotics spawns the development of more and more bacteria that are resistant to medication.

Even when antibiotics are absolutely necessary, they pose a significant risk to your health. Antibiotics compromise the immune system, fuel systemic inflammation and leave you vulnerable to dangerous pathogenic infections.

And that fresh scent on your crisp, clean shirt? A study at the University of Washington identified 7 hazardous air pollutants and 25 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released from dryer sheets, including benzene and acetaldehyde.

Let’s not forget about that healthy breakfast…

Whole grains products are marketed as a more wholesome option for the health-conscious consumer, but are they? The wheat on the market today has been hybridized and genetically modified to withstand extreme amounts of toxic pesticides. Glyphosate, the pesticide used on wheat crops, is a carcinogenic antibiotic, reportedly increasing your likelihood of developing cancer by 41%!

As for the juice, just this year Consumer Reports announced that in a survey of 45 different popular commercial juices, half contained elevated levels of lead, cadmium and arsenic, which contributes to cancer, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and impaired learning, concentration and memory. Organic juices were just as likely to contain heavy metals as conventional products.

Enough of this, already. We’ve got to get you to work!

Off you go to seize the day. Radio up and windows down, you merge onto the highway, and make your way into town to start your work da–


There’s a lot more than fresh air flowing into your car as you zoom down the road. Traffic is a significant source of dangerous air pollution.

Some of the things that you’re taking in are really hazardous, like benzene and acetaldehyde, PLUS:

  • Particulate matter

Fine particles, like the soot in vehicle exhaust, pose a serious threat to your health as they penetrate deep into the lungs and are not easily extracted.

  • Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide causes dizziness, weakness, vomiting and confusion. Even brief exposure can be deadly.

  • Sulphur dioxide

Sulfur dioxide causes difficulty breathing at low levels and can be life threatening at high levels. Sulfur dioxide is particularly hazardous to asthmatics.

  • Nitrogen oxides

Nitrogen oxides impair breathing and cause nausea, abdominal pain and headaches. Prolonged exposure results in genetic mutations, infertility and heart irregularities.

These airborne pollutants reduce oxygen delivery to the brain, heart and other vital organs and cause irritation to the nose, sinuses and lungs.

Plus, as you cruise through your town, you’re also likely to encounter toxic emissions from refineries, factories and power plants, as well as municipal and agricultural waste sites and incinerators. This means you’ll be getting yet another dose of some of the poisons that we’ve already encountered today, like benzene, toluene, cadmium and lead, plus, some new ones, like:

  • Perchloroethylene

A solvent commonly found in dry cleaning products, perchloroethylene is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and impairs the nervous system, kidneys and liver.

  • Methylene chloride

Methylene chloride is a clear, colorless liquid found in paint thinner and other industrial products. It is a highly volatile compound that impairs the central nervous system and causes cancer.

  • Dioxins

Dioxins from industrial processes have pervaded our food chain. According to the World Health Organization, exposure causes reproductive and developmental problems, damages the immune system, interferes with hormones and causes cancer.

  • Asbestos

Asbestos causes several diseases and cancers. It is banned in many countries, but not in the U.S.

  • Mercury

Mercury is a neurotoxic heavy metal that causes anxiety, depression, irritability, loss of memory, tremors and social anxiety that can be debilitating. It has toxic effects on the brain, digestive tract and immune system, as well as the lungs, kidneys, skin and eyes.

  • Chromium

Chromium is most commonly used in the textile and steel industries. It causes respiratory irritation and contributes to cancers of the lung, nose and sinuses.

Luckily you’ve made it to the office, where you’re now safe inside…

Settling into your swivel chair you fire up your computer and get started with reading emails and getting organized for your day. A mid-morning bathroom break allows you to stretch your legs, freshen up in the restroom and refill your water bottle, then back to your desk to handle business.


While you’re handling businesses, your place of business is having a significant impact on your health. From the formaldehyde found in furniture resins, plywood, panelling, particle board and carpets to the carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide emitted from heating devices, the average office space is rife with airborne threats to your health.

On top of that, you’re simultaneously being exposed to numerous health-depleting electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Although occasional exposure to EMFs is not considered to be a major health threat, consistent and long term exposure can cause serious problems, like brain tumors, breast cancer, macular degeneration, infertility and miscarriages, not to mention neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Sources of EMFpollution in the typical office include:

  • The Wi-Fi signal pulsing throughout the building and emitting from all of the wireless technology components like keyboards, printers and cell phones has been banned in some nations (i.e. France) and major cities (i.e. Ontario, Canada) in light of growing concerns of links to cancers.
  • The wiring of the building itself runs on alternating current, also known as “the fatal current.” According to researchers at Ohio State University, exposure to alternating currents is associated with chronic and painful muscle tension, as well as dysfunction in the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Energy-saving light bulbs which are filled with liquid mercury are linked to difficulty concentrating and migraines, and are suspected to cause epilepsy.
  • Not to mention threats located near your workplace that you can’t even see but are exposed to all day long, like high voltage transmission and power lines and cell phone towers, which have been shown to cause asthma, lung disorders and blood cancers.

Depending on the nature of your work, your toxic load may be even greater. For instance, industrial workers are exposed to paints, chemicals, solvents and plastics; beauticians work with dyes, perms, nail polish and removers; and agricultural workers are exposed to fertilizers and pesticides.

Another threat that’s likely to be lurking in your office is toxic mold. Plumbing leaks and dripping air conditioners can result in unnoticed damp spots that harbor mold. 1 in 4 people will suffer health effects due to mold exposure that can be crippling, beginning with coughing, sneezing and wheezing; leading to headaches, difficulty breathing, frequent chest colds and general fatigue; and ultimately developing into memory loss, weight gain, chronic pain and anxiety.

By the way, I noticed something when you went on break that I want to tell you about.

While hand-washing is universally regarded as the best way to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, the soap in most public bathrooms is a hazard of its own. Antibiotic soaps have become a popular option for those wanting proof that their product is effective, however, they are no more effective than regular soaps at getting you clean and protecting you from sickness, yet they carry the same dangers as antibiotic medicines: compromising your immune system and triggering the development of dangerous antibiotic-resistant infections.

Also, although you’re doing your best to reduce plastic pollution by carrying a refillable water bottle, the bottle itself could be a slow and steady source of dangerous toxins. Reusable plastic bottles leach BPA, which is linked to infertility, male impotence and heart disease. Aluminum bottles have become a popular alternative to plastic for this very reason. Unfortunately, recent reports have found that aluminum bottles are treated with a resin to protect the water from acquiring a metallic taste that also contains BPA.

Woah woah woah, I need a break. Let’s get lunch.

Happily escaping your ‘box’ for a bit of fresh air, you step onto the sidewalk and head in the direction of your favorite sushi spot for a healthy lunch. While waiting for your order, you call your dentist to schedule an appointment. Although you’re not quite due for a check up, you suspect a cavity and want to get it filled before it gets worse. Once you’ve enjoyed your healthy lunch, you’re ready to tackle the rest of your work day and make your way back to the office.


You were so eager to step out into the fresh air and get away from work for a moment that you didn’t even notice the smoker standing by the door as you exited the building. Nonetheless, you’ve been exposed to secondhand smoke. Now, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that secondhand smoke is a serious hazard to your health, but in case you’ve forgotten, here are the most dangerous chemicals you are inhaling every time you cross paths with a lit cigarette: nicotine, cyanide, benzene, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, along with a host of other cancer-causing chemicals.

And that healthy sushi roll? Not so much. Tuna is a popular “health food” because it’s low in fat and high in protein, but it’s high in mercury, too. Also, rice is the single greatest source of arsenic, a naturally occurring toxin that is occurring in increasing concentrations due to pollution. It just gets worse from here. Sushi rice is also prepared with refined sugar, which can retain hazardous chemicals used in processing, like sulfur dioxide, phosphoric acid, calcium hydroxide and polyacrylamides.

Believe it or not, the seaweed salad isn’t very good for you either. The seemingly healthy staple of sushi bars and Asian restaurants is anything but. Rarely made in house, the seaweed salad you’re likely to be served is mass-produced, ordered in bulk and shipped long distances before arriving at your table. The bright, almost neon, green hue is derived from synthetic dyes, Yellow #4 and Blue #1, to be specific. And that’s not the worst of it. Your ‘healthy dish’ also contains high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, trans fats and GMOs.

If the ginger on your plate is a nice, fleshy pink color, that’s from food dye, too: Red #40, which is derived from petroleum and is suspected to cause cancer. The ginger also contains a dangerous, neurotoxic artificial sweetener, aspartame; and potassium sorbate, which causes allergic reactions and nausea.

The wasabi is most likely not wasabi at all. Wasabi is expensive to source, but horseradish does the trick just as well, with a little help from Yellow #5 and Blue #1. The spicy signature condiment typically also contains GMOs and artificial flavours.

Just one more thing – and I’ll make it quick, we’ve got to get you back to work.

Remember that dentist appointment that you responsibly scheduled to get that cavity taken care of? If you opt for a white, plastic filling, you should know that they contain large amounts of fluoride, as well as aluminum, barium and BPA-derivatives like GMA and DMA that slowly and steadily leach from the plastic, feeding hormonal imbalance for years to come.

On the other hand, you could go for the amalgam filling, though I can’t say that I recommend it. Amalgam fillings are more than half mercury (despite consistent assurances from mainstream dentists that the mercury level is very low) along with other dangerous metals, including zinc, tin, copper and silver.

This break is wearing me out, let’s get back to work!

Back at the office, you complete your tasks for the day and prepare to head home. You’re tired, but determined to get back in shape, so you dutifully stop at the gym for a workout…


Yes, it’s me. Again.

You, my friend, have had a long day. Here you are, still putting in the effort to do what’s best for your health and here I am, holding you up. Alright then, I’ll make this quick:

The gym is another place where you’ll likely encounter: toxic mold, particulate matter and formaldehyde, as well as fire retardants (which disrupt the hormones, thyroid and immune system and contribute to infertility and cancer) and acetone (which creates dysfunction in the brain and reproductive system.)

Enough, already! Let’s get you home.

Back at the house, you throw in a load of laundry while a steak sizzles on the stovetop. A “Beep!” from the microwave announces that your leftover veggies are ready just as you finish tidying the kitchen and wiping down the dinner table. With a click of the remote, you turn on the TV and settle in to enjoy a movie with your dinner.


Yes, I know, you thought we were through with all this, but, if I could just…

The pan that you cooked your steak in has been treated with a dangerous nonstick Teflon coating that releases fumes containing 6 different toxic chemicals.

Also, searing meat creates cancer-causing compounds known as heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Microwaving comes with its own hazards. Microwave ovens are powerful sources of radiation that can damage your cells and tissues, especially your eyes.

The detergent for that load of laundry contains sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, formaldehyde, fragrances and dyes, plus some toxins we’re just now encountering for the first time all day:

  • Phosphates

Phosphate exposure increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis and is associated with higher rates of death from all causes.

  • Chlorine bleach

Bleach is a potent substance. Coming into contact with it brings risk of blindness, pulmonary edema and respiratory failure.

  • Ammonium sulfate

This ingredient is so toxic that manufacturers discourage using it indoors. It is a highly caustic mouth, skin and respiratory toxin.

  • Dioxane

Dioxane is a known carcinogen associated with skin, eye and lung inflammation that can be irreversible, as well as damage to the kidneys, brain, liver, lungs, eyes and skin.

The spray cleaner you used to clean the dinner table isn’t much better. All-purpose cleaners typically contain phthalates, perchloroethylene, triclosan, ammonia, bleach and…

  • Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QUATs) QUATs

are skin irritants that impair the immune system and contribute to the spread and growth of antibiotic-resistant infections.

  • 2-butoxyethanol

Not required by law to be listed on labels, 2-butoxyethanol contributes to narcosis, pulmonary edema and severe liver and kidney damage. 

Tuning into a stimulating program sure is a nice way to relax at the end of the day. Unfortunately, TVs are yet another powerful source of dangerous EMF pollution.

Oh dear, I see you’ve had rather enough of this… let me get to the point:

If you or someone you love is fighting for their health, you must understand the profound impact of toxins on the body and the magnitude of toxic exposure that we are being assaulted by each and every day.

As you now can see, day in and day out we are being poisoned as we go about our way of earning a living and doing our best to take care of our families. In order to break the cycle, we must:

1) Identify the specific toxins that are contributing to our pain and suffering.

2) Detoxify and heal our bodies from the damage that has already been done.

3) Protect ourselves and our families from future toxic exposure.

But, how do we do it? And, who can help us?

Clearly, we cannot trust the industries and companies that are poisoning our food, water and air for the sake of their own profits…and we cannot trust the governments who fail to regulate these greedy corporations…or the mainstream doctors who dismiss our symptoms and fail to give us the relief we so desperately seek.

So, who can we turn to?

Although mainstream medicine has yet to appreciate the devastating impact of casual, chronic toxic exposure on our health, a vanguard of experts is leading the way in preventive and holistic care. Every day, people just like you are finding the relief they have desperately sought by clearing their bodies of health-deranging poisons under the careful guidance of prestigious medical and lifestyle experts, like…

  • Alexx Stuart is a best-selling author, educator and advocate. Alexx empowers people with the tools to identify and remove dangerous toxins from their life.
  • Dr. Daniel Nuzum, a fifth-generation naturopathic doctor and detoxification expert, has helped over 15,000 patients overcome chronic ailments through targeted and systematic detoxification.
  • Dr. Jay Davidson learned the truth about what really makes us sick and how we can all recover after specialist after specialist failed to help his dying wife. Dr. Davidson discovered the underlying cause of her disease (that other doctors had failed to address) and saved his wife. Now he uses the same principles to teach his patients how to get their lives back.

These experts, and others like them, are saving people from the pain and desperation of chronic conditions by treating the root cause of disease: the gut.

That’s right. Just as ancient traditions once proclaimed and modern science continually reaffirms, all disease begins in the gut.

Our gut is our first line of defence against intruders. When we encounter toxic substances, our guts do their best to protect us by mounting a defence in the form of inflammation.

The problems arise when our immune systems are constantly challenged by toxic exposure, and inflammation becomes chronic.

Chronic inflammation means chronic pain, chronic fatigue and chronic mental strain.

Chronic inflammation steers the development of serious diseases, like obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and major depressive disorder.

Join Alexx, Dr. Nuzum and Dr. Davidson, along with a complete panel of over 40 experts, scientists, and doctors for a thorough inquiry into the root of disease. Find out all about the toxins that threaten us everywhere we turn, and learn how to protect yourselves and the ones you hold dear by tuning in for the next free, international screening of The Gut Solution.

Well, I suppose I ought to excuse myself now and let you get some rest.

You do know, don’t you, that rest is essential to detoxification and healing?

That’s right, every night while you do nothing but lounge and dream, your body is hard at work removing toxins from your system and repairing the damage that’s been done to your cells and organs.

You don’t have to think about it, or even try at all. It just takes place automatically, every single night, unless…

Well, I sure hate to do this, but it wouldn’t be right to leave it out. You see, your body heals and recovers every single night while you do nothing but sleep, but only if you’re not being assaulted by toxins all night long, toxins like… …

formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, phthalates and perchloroethylene in your bed frame… formaldehyde, antimony and fire retardant in your mattress… Teflon coating on your pyjamas… EMF radiation from the TV, laptop and printer in your bedroom and the WiFi signal permeating your home and emanating from your computer, cell phone and printer. Chlorine, fluoride, aluminum, lead, copper, pesticides, fertilizers, nitrates, algae, bacteria, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and antimony in the glass of water on your nightstand… parabens, phthalates, toluene, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate and synthetic fragrance in the moisturizer you applied before bed… particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene, acetaldehyde, perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, dioxin, mercury, chromium and asbestos drifting in through your open bedroom window with the cool and gentle evening breeze… the alternating current pervading your building… high voltage transmission and power lines and cell phone towers in your neighborhood… toxic mold lurking unsuspected under your carpet or behind your cupboards… mercury, zinc, tin, copper and silver steadily leaching from an old cavity into your bloodstream and brain… phthalates, perchloroethylene, triclosan, ammonia, bleach, quaternary ammonia compounds and 2-butoxyethanol seeping from the freshly-cleaned surfaces in your bedroom…the bottle of antibiotics on your nightstand…

Enough is enough.

Fortunately, there are doctors and advocates out there who understand the root cause of disease and appreciate the effect of toxins on the body… who know where lurking threats lie and how they can be avoided… as well as how to eliminate accumulated poisons from the body and repair your tissues from the damage that has been done so that you can at last be happy… healthy… and age with grace… …

people like Alexx Stuart, Dr. Nuzum and Dr. Davidson who have dedicated their lives’ work to giving people like you a fighting chance against greedy corporations, corrupt governments and dismissive and uninformed doctors.

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