La solution contre l'inflammation
La solution contre l'inflammation
La solution contre l'inflammation

La solution contre l'inflammation

Prix de vente$297.00 USD

Saviez-vous que l’inflammation est responsable de plus de 50 % des décès dans le monde ?

L’inflammation chronique est responsable des maladies cardiaques, des accidents vasculaires cérébraux, du cancer, du diabète, des maladies auto-immunes, de la démence et de la stéatose hépatique.

On l’appelle le « tueur silencieux » pour une bonne raison.

Parce que les signes avant-coureurs d’une inflammation en cours peuvent être incroyablement difficiles à reconnaître.

Il est temps d’arrêter de traiter les symptômes et de commencer à guérir la cause.

La solution contre l'inflammation est une série de masterclass en 10 parties où vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur l'inflammation. Les meilleurs experts médicaux vous montreront comment améliorer votre santé et réduire votre risque de maladie. Et vous apprendrez les mesures simples mais efficaces que vous pouvez prendre dès maintenant pour vivre une vie plus longue et plus heureuse.


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Detect The Warning Signs Of Runaway Inflammation… Before It’s Too Late

Did you know that inflammation leads to more than 50% of all deaths worldwide?

Chronic inflammation is a culprit behind:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Dementia
  • Kidney disease
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

It’s called the ‘silent killer’ for a good reason.

Because the warning signs of ongoing inflammation can be incredibly hard to recognise.

It’s time to stop treating the symptoms — and start healing the cause.


The Inflammation Solution’s 20+ Experts, Doctors & Researchers

Dr. Achina Stein

Dr. Asia Muhammad

Dr. Brooke Goldner

Dr. Carrie Jones

Dr. Catherine Clinton

Dr. Cyrus Khambatta

Dr. Daryl Gioffre

Dr. David Perlmutter

Dr. Felice Gersh

Dr. Fred Harvey

Dr. Heather Moday

Dr. Heather Shenkman

Dr. Ilana Gurevich

Dr. Jason Hawrelak

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

Kiran Krishnan

Dr. Liz Lipski

Dr. Matthew Nagra

Dr. Maya Shetreat

Dr. Micah Yu

Dr. Nirala Jacobi

Ocean Robbins

Dr. Peter Bongiorno

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Sarina Pasricha

Dr. Wendy Romig

Meet Your Host

Sarah Otto, Goodness Lover Co-Founder, Nutritionist

Sarah is the producer and host of The Inflammation Solution. She was motivated to create this groundbreaking series after she overcame her own struggles with autoimmune dysfunction and chronic fatigue by healing her gut. She is passionate about sharing the little-known tools that heal guts, and change lives.

Course Preview

The Inflammation Solution is a 10-part masterclass series where you’ll learn everything you should know about inflammation. Top medical experts will show you how to improve your health and slash your disease risk. And you’ll learn the simple yet powerful steps you can take now to live a longer, happier life.

🔥 Episode 1: Overcome Disease & Optimize Your Health with New Solutions for Inflammation

🦠 Episode 2: Microbiome Solutions: Prebiotics & Probiotics for Beating Inflammation

⚖️ Episode 3: Restoring Balance to the Immune System: Better Solutions for Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Disease

🩺 Episode 4: Advanced Solutions for Autoimmune Disease: Celiac, Hashimoto’s & Rheumatoid Arthritis

🧠 Episode 5: Soothing the Inflamed Brain: Renewing Solutions for Fatigue, Anxiety & Depression

😴 Episode 6: Inflammation & Aging: Regenerating Solutions to Sleep Better, Exercise Smarter & Reduce Your Risks of Alzheimer’s & Dementia

💪 Episode 7: Weight Loss, Diabetes & Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Anti-Inflammatory Solutions to Restore Metabolic Balance

🧬 Episode 8: Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Calm Inflammation: Integrative Solutions for Stress, IBS & Cardiovascular Disease

🥑 Episode 9: Protecting Your Health from Inflammatory Foods & Toxins: Antioxidants, Superfoods & Detoxifying Solutions

🍓 Episode 10: Diet Hacks to Beat Inflammation: Ancestral Nutrition & Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Read at your own pace to gain a deeper understanding and reinforce important concepts.

Listen to the audio format of each and every episode (including the bonus sessions!) so you can learn on the go.

You’ll receive 10 written workbooks, walking you through each step of The Inflammation Solution program. Here’s a sneak peek at the progress you’ll make:

  • Workbook 1: Overcome Disease & Optimize Your Health with New Solutions for Inflammation
  • Workbook 2: Microbiome Solutions: Prebiotics & Probiotics for Beating Inflammation
  • Workbook 3: Restoring Balance to the Immune System: Better Solutions for Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Disease
  • Workbook 4: Advanced Solutions for Autoimmune Disease: Celiac, Hashimoto’s & Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Workbook 5: Soothing the Inflamed Brain: Renewing Solutions for Fatigue, Anxiety & Depression
  • Workbook 6: Inflammation & Aging: Regenerating Solutions to Sleep Better, Exercise Smarter & Reduce Your Risks of Alzheimer’s & Dementia
  • Workbook 7: Weight Loss, Diabetes & Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Anti-Inflammatory Solutions to Restore Metabolic Balance
  • Workbook 8: Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Calm Inflammation: Integrative Solutions for Stress, IBS & Cardiovascular Disease
  • Workbook 9: Protecting Your Health from Inflammatory Foods & Toxins: Antioxidants, Superfoods & Detoxifying Solutions
  • Workbook 10: Diet Hacks to Beat Inflammation: Ancestral Nutrition & Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Episode 1

Overcome Disease & Optimize Your Health with New Solutions for Inflammation

Episode 2

Microbiome Solutions: Prebiotics & Probiotics for Beating Inflammation

Episode 3

Restoring Balance to the Immune System: Better Solutions for Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Disease

Episode 4

Advanced Solutions for Autoimmune Disease: Celiac, Hashimoto’s & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Episode 5

Soothing the Inflamed Brain: Renewing Solutions for Fatigue, Anxiety & Depression

Episode 6

Inflammation & Aging: Regenerating Solutions to Sleep Better, Exercise Smarter & Reduce Your Risks of Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Episode 7

Weight Loss, Diabetes & Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Anti-Inflammatory Solutions to Restore Metabolic Balance

Episode 8

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Calm Inflammation: Integrative Solutions for Stress, IBS & Cardiovascular Disease

Episode 9

Protecting Your Health from Inflammatory Foods & Toxins: Antioxidants, Superfoods & Detoxifying Solutions

Episode 10

Diet Hacks to Beat Inflammation: Ancestral Nutrition & Anti-Inflammatory Foods

PDF Transcripts

Read at your own pace to gain a deeper understanding and reinforce important concepts.

MP3 Audio Downloads

Listen to the audio format of each and every episode (including the bonus sessions!) so you can learn on the go.

10-Week Virtual Health Retreat

10 written workbooks, walking you through each step of The Inflammation Solution program.


10-Week Virtual Health Retreat

When you choose to own the series today, you’ll be totally taken care of with step-by-step of support! You’ll receive 10 written workbooks, guiding you through The Inflammation Solution program.

Each of the 10 workbooks has been carefully crafted to help you create your own personalized inflammation-fighting blueprint, so you can feel safe, secure, and supported on your journey to healing.

You’ll learn what action steps to take and when, what to eat, what to avoid, how to soothe inflammation to prevent disease, the right way to detox your body, which natural remedies actually work, and how to restore your vagus nerve to destress, sleep better, and heal trauma… plus so much more!

This takes the guesswork out of knowing how to implement your new knowledge into your daily life – and saves you time and headache trying to figure which step to take next.

You’ll get access to this incredible 10-part workshop-style program

We know there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation out there about how to manage your health effectively. And we’d never give you all this information and then leave you to figure it all out on your own. Your life is full enough already! 

Instead, you’ll be guided through the entire program, one step at a time, all from the comfort of your own home. Go week by week or at your own pace – it’s totally up to you!

Here’s a sneak peek at the progress you’ll make:

  • Workbook 1: Overcome Disease & Optimize Your Health with New Solutions for Inflammation
  • Workbook 2: Microbiome Solutions: Prebiotics & Probiotics for Beating Inflammation
  • Workbook 3: Restoring Balance to the Immune System: Better Solutions for Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Disease
  • Workbook 4: Advanced Solutions for Autoimmune Disease: Celiac, Hashimoto’s & Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Workbook 5: Soothing the Inflamed Brain: Renewing Solutions for Fatigue, Anxiety & Depression
  • Workbook 6: Inflammation & Aging: Regenerating Solutions to Sleep Better, Exercise Smarter & Reduce Your Risks of Alzheimer’s & Dementia
  • Workbook 7: Weight Loss, Diabetes & Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Anti-Inflammatory Solutions to Restore Metabolic Balance
  • Workbook 8: Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Calm Inflammation: Integrative Solutions for Stress, IBS & Cardiovascular Disease
  • Workbook 9: Protecting Your Health from Inflammatory Foods & Toxins: Antioxidants, Superfoods & Detoxifying Solutions
  • Workbook 10: Diet Hacks to Beat Inflammation: Ancestral Nutrition & Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Get Equipped to Combat the Root of More Than 50% of All Deaths Worldwide.

Heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, autoimmune conditions, and neurodegenerative conditions are all products of chronic inflammation.

The good news is that you can get the exact protocols to prevent and reduce chronic inflammation… No matter your age.

The experts featured in this docu-series share the exact strategies they use to help their clients beat chronic inflammation.

Don’t struggle alone.

Click the button below to get started today.

You're Protected By Our 30-Day Guarantee

The Inflammation Solution program comes with a 30-day guarantee. 

If you’re not over-the-moon thrilled with your experience, simply send us an email to start the refund process. It’s that simple!

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