Die Fermentations-Meisterklasse

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Lebensmittel ganz einfach zu Hause fermentieren können, um die Nährstoffaufnahme zu verbessern, Ihr Mikrobiom auszugleichen und Geld zu sparen!

Angebotspreis$97.00 USD

✅ Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Lebensmittel fermentieren, mit klaren, direkten Anweisungen von einem Meisterlehrer

✅ Verbessern Sie Ihre Gesundheit, bringen Sie Ihr Darmmikrobiom ins Gleichgewicht und senken Sie die Kosten

✅ Kreieren Sie leckere fermentierte Lebensmittel, die die ganze Familie lieben und essen wird

I am so touched and impressed by your company, products, and integrity... I think you and Matt are quite exceptional people, and I am so glad you are both young and will be helping hundreds or more likely thousands of people in our lifetimes... Hope you and your staff have an excellent day and feel rightly proud of yourselves.

- Katharine

The Secret to Health and Longevity… Lives in Your Gut

There is an incredible amount of news coming out each day about the importance of the gut microbiome.

In fact, this delicate system that lives in our digestive tract is so important, it’s been referred to as our “second brain.”

We all have a mix of “good” and “bad” bacteria in our gut – and when they are out of balance, it's called dysbiosis. This leads to many uncomfortable (and often confusing) symptoms, including:

- Digestive problems like cramps, constipation, and diarrhea

- Gas, bloating, and food sensitivities

- Acid reflux or heartburn

- Chronic fatigue, brain fog, and aching joints

- Progressive disorders, such as arthritis, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, and Crohn’s disease

- Skin-related issues such as acne, rashes, and psoriasis

- Mental and developmental disorders like autism, ADHD, anxiety, or depression

Over time, persistent dysbiosis can lead to serious stomach and other health conditions like cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, and central nervous system problems.

The bacteria in our gut is boosted by bacteria we consume. Which means a healthy mix of prebiotics and probiotics.

Eating a wide variety of fermented foods helps us to absorb many different bacterial cultures – particularly the “good gut bugs” that are often obliterated by our modern lifestyles and diets.

Step-by-Step Guidance to Ferment Your Own Foods + Balance Your Gut Microbiome

You’ve probably heard about fermented foods. They’re so popular now that you’ll find them everywhere… from farmers markets and your local grocery store – cafes, bars, and restaurants all around the world!

Fermented foods are extremely good for the gut microbiome. The problem is that good, organic fermented foods (with no nasties) are very expensive! 

Particularly if you want to share these superfoods with friends and family…

Many people are intimidated by the idea of fermenting their own foods – especially with our full, busy schedules.

Would-be fermenters are also often nervous that they’ll invest time and money learning how to create their own fermented foods, only to have their families turn up their noses because they aren’t prepared correctly.

Worry no more! You’re in good hands with master fermenting teacher, Sammi Zajko.

Having recovered herself from trauma and abuse through the power of fermented foods, her teaching is like nothing else you will find.

✔ Secret ways to make Kimchi delicious for your whole family

✔ How to brew your own kombucha to make a delicious probiotic drink.

✔ Yummy Sauerkraut recipes from common food sources.

✔ Make Kefir taste so good that your friends and family will be begging you to make more...

✔ Learn how to make Lacto-Fermented Pickles, the perfect probiotic side-dish!

Plus, The Fermenting Masterclass is designed with families in mind. These recipes are picky eater approved… which means you get to save time and money while keeping your entire family happy and healthy!

Course Preview

The Fermenting Masterclass is an in-depth, 8-session course that shows you exactly how to ferment your own foods. You’ll also explore the history and science behind the gut-healing magic of fermented foods so you can eat smarter, live healthier, and make good choices for your body… and the planet.

Module 1: Welcome

Module 2: Introduction

Module 3: Sauerkraut (+ Cooking Demo)

Module 4: Lacto-Fermented Pickles (+ Cooking Demo)

Module 5: Kimchi (+ Cooking Demo)

Module 6: Kombucha (+ Cooking Demo)

Module 7: Mi̇lk-Coconut Kefir (+ Cooking Demo)

Module 8: Fermenting Q&A

Download full transcripts of the masterclass to refer back to, follow directions, take notes, and flag for integration. 

You can read at your own pace to gain a deeper understanding and reinforce important concepts.

Discover how easy it is to ferment your own foods at home – and reap the benefits of probiotics without spending a ton of money for premade products.

Each of the recipes is plant-based, all-natural, and easy to do – no fancy equipment needed.

You’ll also be guided every step of the way so you can prepare unique (and incredibly tasty!) food items, avoid common fermenting mistakes – and be on your way to a healthy gut microbiome in no time!

Fermented foods have been used for thousands of years, with each generation passing down their knowledge to the next… 

We’ve done all the hard work for you and narrowed down the very best fermented foods that will help feed your gut bacteria. 

This easy to follow guide will show you how to use these foods, in a safe and sustainable way.

Meet Your Guide

Sammi Zajko

Sammi is a workshop facilitator, presenter, speaker, nutritional researcher, foodie, wild weed forager, mother and owner at Fermenting Australia. Her passion is to teach and share the wonderful and fascinating world of fermented food in a way that is accessible, easy and fun. Her workshops are energetic, informative and dynamic.

The Fermenting Masterclass

8-session course showing you how to master fermentation so you (and your family) can stay healthy, strong, and resilient – by unleashing the power of the gut microbiome.

✔ Learn how to use food as medicine

✔ Increase nutrient absorption of your food

✔ Improve the health and biodiversity of your gut microbiome

✔ Boost weight loss and reduce risk of disease

✔ Know exactly what is going into your body (and your family’s bodies too)

✔ Create your own flavors based on your family’s tastes and preferences

✔ Make it yourself for a fraction of the cost of buying it from commercial producers

✔ Create a side businessing selling to your friends, family, or local community (yes, demand is that high!)

➕ Written transcripts of the entire masterclass

➕ 5 Cooking Demos + Q&A session

➕ Step-by step instructions + written recipes

➕ Fermented Food Guide

You're Protected By Our 30-Day Guarantee

The Fermenting Masterclass comes with a 30 day guarantee. 

If you’re not over-the-moon thrilled with your experience, simply send us an email to start the refund process. It’s that simple!

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